Disclaimer: All writers’ opinions are their own and do not constitute health advice in any way whatsoever. Any action you take upon the information is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection to the information here. Please seek medical advice when necessary.
Editor’s Note: All content and information in this article are accurate as of published time. Please check prices on brands’ website for most updated pricing before you purchase.
Masks have been part of our new normal for the past year. With the recent uncertainties in the current COVID-19 situation, enhanced recommendations have been rolled out to slow down the spread of the virus here in Singapore, one of which is to use masks with good filtration capability.
According to the Ministry of Health, “a mask with better protection, such as those with better filtration efficiency, will help to mitigate the increased risks of transmission and infection” (read more here).
When selecting a face mask, the Health Sciences Authority has advised on some of these specifications to look out for, such as reusable masks should have at least two to three layers of fabric. The material also should not be see-through when it is held against light. For surgical masks, the layers should ideally be made with different fabrics: a water-repellent outer layer, middle filter layer to remove particulates (disposable filter inserts are acceptable) and an absorber inner layer to absorb wearer’s droplets (read more here).
Did you know? Local surgical mask manufacturing facilities are required to be licensed by HSA. They are also required to comply with relevant international standards such as ASTM F2100, EN 14683, or equivalent and are required to be tested to meet a minimum bacterial filtration efficiency of 95% or higher.
😷 Wondering which surgical masks have a better filtration capability and where to get them? Here’s a handy list of trusted local brands that you can buy surgical masks online on Shopee and have it delivered to you.
Note: To ensure authenticity of products, please do check that you are buying directly from the respective brands’ official stores. Be sure to check the details listed, such as the level of Bacterial Filtration Efficiency and ASTM levels.
AIR+ Surgical Mask

A subsidiary of ST Engineering, AIR+ is better known as an innovator of the “World’s first N95 mask with a reusable snap-on Micro Fan” for both adults and children back in 2015. Since then, AIR+ has started to produce surgical masks that are available in M and L sizes. AIR+ is also a licensed manufacturer registered with Health Sciences Authority of Singapore (HSA).
- 99.9% Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE)
- 98% Particulate Filtration Efficiency (PFE)
- ASTM Level 2
- Three layers of protection: Fluid resistant (outer layer), Bacteria filtration (middle layer), Moisture absorption (inner layer)
- Made in Singapore
- More info at airplus-family.com
- M size: 145 mm x 95 mm (suitable for children aged 8 years and above)
- L size: 175 mm x 95 mm (suitable for adults)
- S$18 for a box of 50 at AIR+ Official Store on Shopee
- Free shipping for orders over S$30; otherwise shipping is available at S$1.49
- Available here
>> Also available directly from airplus-family.com
COSMES Surgical Mask

COSMES is a leading healthcare solutions innovator in Singapore, with the focus of making economical and quality healthcare products easily available to the general public. COSMES surgical masks are manufactured in Singapore in an ISO 7 Cleanroom Certified Facility and are tested to meet HSA and international health standards.
- Bacteria Filtration Efficiency: BFE > 98%
- Particulate Filtration Efficiency: PFE > 98%
- ASTM Level 2
- Air Permeability (Breathability) ASTM F2100-19: PASS with differential pressure better than 2mm H2O/cm2
- Fiberglass and latex free
- Available in blue, magenta, pink, yellow and green
- Made in Singapore
- More info at cosmes.sg
- Size: 175 mm x 95 mm
- S$9.90 for a box of 50 at COSMES Official Store on Shopee
- Free shipping for orders over S$40; otherwise shipping is available at S$1.49
- Available here
>> Also available directly from cosmes.sg
WES Care Surgical Mask

Apart from surgical masks, WES Medical Care also have a range of 3D premium face masks that also comes with a BFE 99.9%. Made in Singapore, this HSA-registered manufacturer has stringent quality control and does ultraviolet disinfection for high quality production standards.
- Bacteria Filtration Efficiency: BFE 99.9%
- ASTM Level 3
- Three layers of protection: Hydrophobic non-woven material (outer layer), High density melt-blown filter (middle layer), Hydrophobic non-woven material (inner layer)
- Made in Singapore
- More info at wes-medical.com
- 145 mm x 95 mm (suitable for children and petite ladies)
- 175 mm x 95 mm (suitable for adults)
- Adults size (individually packed): S$15.99 for box of 30 at Wes Medical Care Official Store on Shopee (sold out for now)
- Free shipping for orders over S$40; otherwise shipping is available at S$1.49
- Available here
- Kids size: S$22.00 for a box of 100 at Wes Medical Care Official Store on Shopee
- Free shipping for orders over S$40; otherwise shipping is available at S$1.49
- Available here
- Adults size: S$24.00 for a box of 100 at Wes Medical Care Official Store on Shopee
- Free shipping for orders over S$40; otherwise shipping is available at S$1.49
- Available here
- Family bundle available: S$23 for a box of 50 kids surgical mask + a box of 50 adults face masks Wes Medical Care Official Store on Shopee
- Free shipping for orders over S$40; otherwise shipping is available at S$1.49
- Available here
>> Also available directly from wes-medical.com
SURGISYL Surgical Mask

Behind SURGISYL Masks is MediDent International, a supplier of medical and dental equipment. Created out of a need for surgical masks in 2020, SURGISYL is a Singaporean brand specialising in manufacturing quality-assured and affordable 3-ply surgical face masks that are designed for comfort.
- Bacteria Filtration Efficiency: BFE ≥ 99%
- Particulate Filtration Efficiency: PFE ≥ 99%
- ASTM Level 3
- Three layers of protection: Hydrophobic non-woven material (outer layer), High density melt-blown filter (middle layer), Hydrophobic non-woven material (inner layer)
- Made in Singapore
- More info at surgisyl.com
- S$14.90 for a box of 50 on healthperks on Shopee
- Free shipping for orders over S$30; otherwise shipping is available at S$1.49
- Available here
>> Also available directly from surgisyl.com
Kyla Medical Mask

You might have heard of Aztech Technoglogies, a design and electronics manufacturer equipped with state-of-the-art-equipment here in Singapore with their own line of LED lighting, home and kitchen appliances and more. They have put their expertise into healthcare and are the company behind Kyla Medical Mask with face masks suitable for both adults and children.
- Bacteria Filtration Efficiency: BFE ≥ 98%
- Particulate Filtration Efficiency: PFE ≥ 97%
- ASTM Level 2
- Three layers of protection: Non-woven hydrophobic & hypoallergenic outer layer, High filtration efficiency filter layer, Non-woven hydrophobic & hypoallergenic inner layer
- Made in Singapore
- More info at kylaconnect.com
- Size: 145 mm x 95 mm (suitable for children 4 years old and above)
- Size: 175 mm x 95 mm (suitable for adults)
- Free shipping for orders over S$30; otherwise shipping is available at S$1.49
- Kids size: S$18.00 for a box of 50 on Shopee
- Available here
- Adults size: S$12.00 for a box of 50 on Shopee (sold out)
- Available here
>> Also available directly from kylaconnect.com
IPTEC Surgical Mask

IPTEC Surgical Mask is manufactured by Sys-Mac Automation Engineering in Singapore. Also know as the Intellectual Property Translation & Engineering Centre, iPtec primarily focuses on intellectual property translation activities including prototyping and product development for medical devices.
The mission to provide quality surgical masks began in April 2020 to provide protection for frontline healthcare workers and fellow Singaporeans.
- 99% Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE)
- 98% Particulate Filtration Efficiency (PFE) at 0.1 micron
- ASTM Level 3
- Three layers of protection: Fluid resistant (outer layer), Bacteria filtration (middle layer), Moisture absorption (inner layer)
- Made in Singapore
- More info at www.iptec-masks.com
- 175 mm x 95 mm (suitable for adults)
- Free shipping for orders over S$40; otherwise shipping is available at S$1.49
- S$16.90 for a box of 50 on Shopee
- Available here
So there… we hope that our pick of some of the trusted surgical masks available online in Singapore are useful for you to decide which surgical masks to buy. Most of these brands are produced locally in Singapore and are HSA-registered. Please do remember to check that the face masks that you have, or are buying have the proper certifications and are from an official source so that you are adequately protected.
Editor’s Note: All content and information in this article are accurate as of published time.