10% off hotel bookings for Genius members
1000+ used
Genius members of Booking.com are offered up to 10% off discount on hotel bookings. T&C apply Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.
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Discounts on hotel bookings worldwide
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Please refer to the discount searching engine of the website for offers provided by various hotels. T&C apply Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.
Refer friends and earn money
133 used
Customers can register for an account and send the referral link to friends. Cash rewards are offered by Booking.com every time when the referral link is used to finish a booking. There is a maximum of 10 friends. T&C apply Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.
Subscribe newsletter and save up to 50%
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New subscribers to their newsletter can enjoy offers up to 50%. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.
Get 10% off every 5 stays
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Register for Booking.com membership and get a 10% off offer every 5 stays. T&C apply Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.
Promo codes you missed
Earn up to 10% back with Visa card
2 months ago
Expired 2 months ago
Make sure you book with your Visa card. Your cashback will be awarded by Booking.com. You need a Booking.com account to receive your reward. The email on the account must be the same used for your booking. You can create your account after making your booking. You'll receive your cashback 64 or more days after checking out. Your bank may take an additional month or more to credit the cashback. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.
Earn up to 10% cashback with HSBC Card
2 years ago
Expired 2 years ago
Booking period till 31 Dec 2022 & stay period till 30 June 2023. You need to book with your card. Make sure you book with your Visa or MasterCard card. Your cashback will be awarded by Booking.com. You need a Booking.com account to receive your reward. The email on the account must be the same used for your booking. You can create your account after making your booking. You'll receive your cashback 64 or more days after checking out. Your bank may take an additional month or more to credit the cashback. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.
Enjoy up to 10% cashback on hotel bookings
3 years ago
Expired 3 years ago
The promotional period is from now to 31 December 2021, both dates inclusive (the “Promotional Period”) and the period of stay must be between today to 30 June 2022, both dates inclusive (the “Stay Period”). Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.
Days off and nothing to do? Take a break with 20% off on your stays
4 years ago
Expired 4 years ago
Take a break with 20% off on your stays. The offer is valid until 31 May 2020. Get the deal Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.
Get up to 6% cash rebate on designated hotel accommodation bookings
5 years ago
Expired 5 years ago