Cardable is the #1 Credit Card promotion site in Singapore. We seek to bring the most current and complete promotional content for Singaporean readers in the shortest time possible. We also look into credit cards offered in Singapore and break them down into bite-sized information for our readers. We count some of the largest banks here in Singapore as our clients.
American Express | HSBC | Chope
Reach out to over 150K Singaporeans each month. With the ability to craft a strong pipeline of content that resonates with our readers, our traffic has been growing month-on-month. An independent traffic analysis can be found at:
According to Google analytics and from our own surveys, our readers mainly consist of Professionals, Business Owners and homemakers. These mass-affluent readers tend to have a have a higher household income and are attracted to loyalty programs, online shopping and tend to compare deals. Our readers have an average age of 34
Partnering with us gives you direct exposure to the key working adult demographic in finance, online shopping, lifestyle, travel and dining. Our audience also consists of consumers looking for suitable credit cards for their spending habits. We do this through editorials, social media content, newsletter engagements, and banner placements.
Here are some of the ways we can partner with you:
To learn more about advertising and sponsorships opportunities with us, get in-touch by contacting us here