Free 1 Hour ride ($2 ride coupon) with minimum top up of S$10 on Anywheel App
Expires in
3 months
16 used
Expires in 3 months
Payment must be made in Anywheel app with any Trust card. Only available for direct card payments and is not eligible for transactions made through Google Pay or Apple Pay. Promotion is valid on all Anywheel credit top up denominations. Not valid with other promo codes, offers and discounts. $2.00 Ride coupon will expire 30 days after Anywheel credit top up is purchased. $2.00 Ride coupon requires user to have positive balance in Anywheel credit wallet for it to apply. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

20% off 30-Day Bicycle Pass (U.P. $9.90)
Expires in
3 months
5 used
Expires in 3 months
Payment must be made in Anywheel app with any Trust card. Only available for direct card payments and is not eligible for transactions made through Google Pay or Apple Pay. Promotion is only valid on Anywheel 30 day pass. Promotion is not valid on Anywheel Family Bicycles. Not valid with other promo codes, offers and discounts. Promotion discount is calculated as $2.00 off the original price of $9.90, equivalent to approximately 20% off. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.
Promo codes you missed
S$8 OFF 90-Day Anywheel Pass (S$23 before discount)
3 years ago
Expired 3 years ago
Valid from 1 September 2021 to 31 December 2021. Apply promo code HSBCXAW90 Limit to first 50 redemption per month Applicable to HSBC Debit and Credit Cards (excluding Corporate Cards). Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.
S$2 OFF 30-Day Anywheel Pass ($9.90 before discount)
3 years ago
Expired 3 years ago
Valid from 1 September 2021 to 31 December 2021. Apply promo code HSBCXAW30 Limit to first 50 redemption per month Applicable to HSBC Debit and Credit Cards (excluding Corporate Cards). Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.
S$1 OFF 7-Day Anywheel Pass (S$3.90 before discount)
3 years ago
Expired 3 years ago
Valid from 1 September 2021 to 31 December 2021. Apply promo code HSBCXAW7 Limit to first 50 redemption per month Applicable to HSBC Debit and Credit Cards (excluding Corporate Cards). Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.
1-hour ride voucher with a minimum top-up of S$10 into account
3 years ago
Expired 3 years ago