Amazin' Graze
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Amazin' Graze Promo Codes and Discounts

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$5 OFF
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Only valid for new accounts on Amazin' Graze website. You will receive the promo code in your email after signing up. This code is not applicable for items on sale. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

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5% OFF

5% off with no min. spend Promo Code: UOB5NMS
  • Expired 1 year ago

Valid till 31 Mar 2023. Applicable on Amazin' Graze Singapore Website only. Limited to 1 redemption per customer. Applicable to all products, including bundles and discounted items. Not valid in conjunction with other promotion, discounts or rewards point redemption. General terms and conditions apply. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

10% OFF

10% off with minimum spend of S$40
  • Expired 3 years ago

Valid from 8 July 2020 to 31 May 2021 HSBC Customers must enter the promo code “AGXHSBC10” upon checkout. Limited to once per month per Cardholder. Promo codes are not stackable. For full redeeming details, please visit Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

10% OFF

10% off with minimum spend of S$40 (limited to one redemption per customer.
  • Expired 4 years ago

Promo code: OCBC<first 6 digits of OCBC Card> Promotion is valid from 1 August 2020 to 28 February 2021. Payment must be made with an OCBC Credit or Debit Card. Valid for online purchases via Limited to one redemption per customer. Customer has to be logged in for the promo code to be valid. No cancellations, exchanges or refunds are allowed. Not valid in conjunction with other discounts, promotions or vouchers, unless otherwise stated. Merchant’s terms and conditions apply. Please contact the merchant directly for full details. OCBC and the Merchant reserve the right at their absolute discretion to terminate the Promotion or vary, delete or add to the Promotion, or any of these terms and conditions, at any time without notice including without limitation, the dates of the Promotion. OCBC shall not be responsible for the quality, merchantability or fitness for any purpose or any other aspect of the Promotion or any product/service relating to the Promotion. Notwithstanding anything herein, OCBC shall not at any time be responsible or held liable for any defect or malfunction in any product or the deficiency in any service provided, and/or any loss, injury, damage or harm suffered or incurred by or in connection with the use of the Promotion, or any product/service relating to the Promotion, by any person. OCBC’s decision on all matters relating to the Promotion or terms and conditions will be final and binding on all participants. No correspondence or appeal shall be entertained by OCBC. In the event of any inconsistency between these terms and conditions and any brochure, marketing or promotional material relating to the Promotion, these terms and conditions shall prevail. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.


Get a free snack park with a minimum purchase of SG$20
  • Expired 6 years ago

Amazin' Graze offers a free snack park with a minimum purchase of SG$20. The offer is valid until 10 September 2018. Get the deal Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

15% OFF
No Card Required

Enjoy 15% off a nett spend of S$30
  • Expired 6 years ago

Not valid if used in conjunction with other promotions and discounts Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.


Snacking is a universally pursued activity; we’ve all snacked at one point in our lives. For some, it’s the pursuit of digestive happiness in the form of sugary treats or hard-shelled seeds while others treat it as another piece of their everyday routine. It’s easy to reach to the end of a bag of chips and go through another two—snacking can easily spiral out of control if we’re not careful enough. With the mindless nature of snacking, keeping to a healthy snacking regime without losing taste or flavour would seem almost impossible. That’s only because you’ve yet to try Amazin’ Graze. Strong advocates of eating real foods and healthy snacks alternatives, Amazin’ Graze not only brings quality snacks that are good for you, they deliver in Singapore too so you won’t have any excuse to subject yourself to poor snacking again. Best of all, don't forget to use some of these awesome Amazin' Graze promo codes for a good deal on your healthy snacks!

Currently, Amazin’ Graze is present in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Dubai with their central kitchen and retail store based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Amazin’ Graze incorporates nature’s superfoods into their products—so you’ll always have a healthy, yummy snack within reach—that are inspired by local Asian flavours and are baked fresh weekly in their kitchen so you’ll always have fresh, handmade snacks whenever. No more of the fake stuff—we’re talking artificial preservatives, flavouring and colouring—as well as refined sugars and salt; your body (and stomach) will be thanking you!

TIP #1: Subscribe and be a Grazer, on top of getting a yummy discount! Don’t miss out on the latest Amazin’ Graze news and promotions if you’re all about yummy, healthy alternatives.



Picking up something new is always overwhelming; the sheer amount of choices would be enough to throw anyone off. But, don’t lose heart. Amazin’ Graze’s website is designed for newcomers and fans alike. Starting with their ‘Featured Products’ category or shopping individual categories would be a good starting spot for the novice Grazer. It’s good to note the variety offered at Amazin’ Graze: granolas (with gluten-free options available), nut mixes, nut butters and dehydrated fruits. Alternatively, just hover over the ‘Shop’ tab and see what tickles your fancy.

TIP #2: Singapore is fast-paced and we’re always on-the-go; the popular Amazin’ Granolas make excellent snacks as they’re compact and easy to carry without making an absolute mess while still being absolutely delectable!


TIP #3: If you’re feeling especially festive in the taste department, throw in Amazin’ Granolas with your favourite selection of yoghurt, fruits and seeds to create your own bowl of muesli—sounds like the perfect way to kickstart your day.

Aside from its cheery web design, the actual usability of the website has no frills—there aren’t any filters, you only have to get past the categories before you’re set. Every product page will list the unique qualities of the product, which includes a price range (should there be varied sizes available), its ingredients list (with an extremely useful list of icons containing its benefits), health benefits (always good to know what’s going into your body) as well as nutrition facts. Detailed and informative, you’ll have all the information you’ll need on your Amazin’ Graze product. If you still need help deciding on what to try first, product reviews are available at the very bottom of the page. Feel free to leave your own review if you’d like—being a part of the community will help fellow Grazers come to a decision as they have with you!

TIP #4: For those who adhere to a gluten-free diet, keep your eyes peeled for the ‘Gluten-free Available’ icon; products with the gluten-free variable will have a list of its gluten-free ingredients for you to cross-reference so you can enjoy your Amazin’ Graze product with a peace of mind.

TIP #5: Like most e-commerce websites, it’s recommended you sign up for an account as some promotions will require you to be signed in to be validated. It’ll only take a couple of minutes and will be useful for future purchases.

Once you’ve added your item into your cart, proceed to your cart. If you’ve an Amazin’ Graz coupon code or promo to apply, simply type it in before you checkout. Always double check and ensure your cart is correct and all your details have been keyed in properly before you make payment for a seamless Amazin’ Graze experience.

TIP #6: Some of the best things in the world comes in a pair. If you can’t wait to start snacking on your Amazin’ Graze product, they’re available in retail stores too. Just check the list available on the Amazin’ Graze website and pop by any one of the stores to get your yummy, healthy fix.

We all love a good sale. Missed out on their Christmas and Chinese New Year sale? Good news—Amazin’ Graze has a Sale page just for you filed under ‘Amazin’ Festive Sale’. Just be quick because slashed prices are the equivalent of a sell-out. Like its namesake, expect quirky concoctions that are in line with the festivities, which are sure to be just as pleasant to taste.

If you’d still like to know more about Amazin’ Graze’s products and what goes into them as well as other things like delivery, they’ve a couple of FAQ pages, which you can easily access under their ‘About Us’ page. You’ll find plenty of topics addressed such as the differences between Amazin’ Granolas and other breakfast cereals and if their products are organic, to name a few. You can also reach out to the Amazin’ Graze team through the red 'Conversations' button that can be found at the bottom right of the website.

With so much variety in taste and type of foods, you’ll be hard pressed to find something that you won’t like at Amazin’ Graze. If you’re a non-believer of foods like granolas, nuts and other healthy alternatives, we’re sure the folks (and their creations) at Amazin’ Graze would be able to win you over. Cardable is always bringing the latest Amazin’ Graze promotions to you so keep checking this space for all things good for both palate and body.