Napoleon Food & Wine Bar

Napoleon Food & Wine Bar promotions And Discounts

Highest offer rating 4.5


206 Telok Ayer Street S(068641) , Singapore

Promotions you missed


15% off à la carte food (Mon-Thu)
  • Expired 8 months ago

The Promotion period is from 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 (both dates inclusive). Payment must be charged to a Citi Credit/Debit Card. Not valid with other discounts, promotions, privileges and/or offers Discount is not applicable to beverages To utilize this offer, full payment must be made with any Citibank Credit or Debit cards Valid for dine-in only Not valid on blackout dates for: private events, eve of public holidays, public holidays, public holidays in-lieu and special occasions such as Valentine’s Day, Easter Sunday, Mother’s Day etc. T&Cs apply for each individual restaurant. Citibank's and Poulose’s decision on all matters relating to the Promotion will be determined at its reasonable discretion and is final and binding on all participants. Citibank shall not be responsible for the quality, merchantability or the fitness for any purpose or any other aspect of the products and/or services provided by third parties and Citibank shall not at any time be responsible or held liable for any loss, injury, damage or harm suffered by or in connection with the products and/or services provided by third parties. All disputes about quality or performance of the product and/or services shall be resolved directly with Poulose. Citibank and Poulose reserve the right, at their reasonable discretion, to vary, add to or delete the Promotion terms and/or terminate the Promotion. "Citibank" refers to Citibank Singapore Limited. The term “Poulose” refers to Poulose Associate Pte Ltd Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.


10% off à la carte food (Fri-Sat)
  • Expired 8 months ago


OCBC Mastercard Exclusive: 1 main course free with 2 main courses ordered (Mon – Sat, 6pm – 9pm)
  • Expired 1 year ago


Dining Discount: 50% for 2 persons 35% for 3 persons 25% for 4 persons 20% for 5-10 persons 15% for 1 person
  • Expired 5 years ago


Dining Discount: 50% for 2 persons 35% for 3 persons 25% for 4 persons 20% for 5-10 persons 15% for 1 person
  • Expired 6 years ago