Shin Minori
Shin Minori voucher
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Shin Minori Promo Codes and Discounts

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Enjoy 10% savings with a min spend of S$100.
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  • Expires in 2 months

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From 1 Jun to 31 May 2025, enjoy 10% savings with a minimum spending of S$100 when payment is made in-store using an eligible American Express® Card. Offer is not valid with other promotions and clearance items. Offer is not valid with other promotions and clearance items. Offer is not valid on Public Holiday, eve of Public Holidays and special occasions. Terms and Conditions apply. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

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[CHOPE] Make your Shin Minori Japanese Restaurant @ UE Square reservation on CHOPE here!
  • Expired 2 months ago

T&Cs apply. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

20% OFF

Enjoy 20% off buffet by purchasing this voucher today! (@ Katong Square)
  • Expired 3 years ago

Mon-Fri Omizu Lunch Buffet (20% Off) valid on MON-FRI 12:00pm-02:30pm. Original price $63.44 Discounted Price $50.75 Reservation has to be done on before you dine at your selected restaurant. Voucher is valid for 90 days from time of purchase and good for one time use only. No extension or refund will be entertained. Voucher is valid for dine in only at the Katong Square outlet. Free Flow Soft Drinks, Japanese Ocha Tea and Dessert or Fruits of the day is included in this voucher. Limited to a maximum of 2 voucher redemptions per bill/table. Splitting of bill/table is strictly not allowed. Not applicable with any other promotions, discounts, offers or vouchers Not applicable on Public Holidays and on special occasions (Father&#x2019;s Day, Mother&#x2019;s Day, etc) Applicable on eve of Public Holidays. Food wastage is chargeable by weight at $10 per 100g or as Ala-Carte menu item price. All Vouchers will be used based on its full value. Any residual value of the vouchers are non-refundable. *Proof of identification is required. When in doubt, the management of Shin Minori Japanese Restaurant Pte Ltd reserves the right to charge accordingly. How to enjoy this deal: 1. Select your preferred deal and click ""Buy Now"" to purchase. 2. You will receive an e-voucher through the Chope App (Under Profile > My Vouchers) or via email. 3. Simply present your voucher before ordering at the restaurant to enjoy the deal. What&apos;s included: 20% off Omizu Lunch Buffet<br>Monday to Friday<br>12:00PM to 02:30PM<br>$50.75 nett for 1 Pax Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

20% OFF

Enjoy 20% off Buffet by purchasing this voucher today! (@ UE Square)
  • Expired 3 years ago

Mon-Fri Omizu Lunch Buffet (20% Off) valid on MON-FRI 12:00pm-02:30pm. Original price $63.44 Discounted Price $50.75 Reservation has to be done on before you dine at your selected restaurant. Voucher is valid for 90 days from time of purchase and good for one time use only. No extension or refund will be entertained. Voucher is valid for dine in only at the UE Square outlet. Free Flow Soft Drinks, Japanese Ocha Tea and dessert or Fruits of the day is included in the voucher Maximum of 2 e-voucher redemption per table, per bill. Strictly no splitting of bills is allowed. Not applicable with any other promotions, discounts, offers or vouchers Not applicable on Public Holidays, eve of Public Holidays and on special occasions (Father&#x2019;s Day, Mother&#x2019;s Day, etc) Food wastage is chargeable by weight at $10 per 100g or as Ala-Carte menu item price. All Vouchers will be used based on its full value. Any residual value of the vouchers are non-refundable. *Proof of identification is required. When in doubt, the management of Shin Minori Japanese Restaurant Pte Ltd reserves the right to charge accordingly. How to enjoy this deal: 1. Select your preferred deal and click ""Buy Now"" to purchase. 2. You will receive an e-voucher through the Chope App (Under Profile > My Vouchers) or via email. 3. Simply present your voucher before ordering at the restaurant to enjoy the deal. What&apos;s included: 20% off Omizu Lunch Buffet<br>Monday to Friday<br>12:00PM-02:30PM<br>$50.75 nett for 1 Pax Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.


1 dines free with every 3 paying adults for buffet lunch (Mon – Sat)
  • Expired 7 years ago

Valid from 1 April to 30 June 2017. Minimum 3 paying adult lunch buffets to dine. Complimentary buffet must be of equal or lesser value than the buffet purchased, i.e free child lunch buffet. Limited to a maximum of three redemptions per bill per table. No splitting of bill or table allowed. Cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts, offers, promotions & vouchers. Offer is valid from Monday to Saturday. Prior reservation is required via Phone Reservation 67332272 Online Reservation Shin Minori Japanese Restaurant Pte Ltd reserves the right to amend the terms & conditions without prior notice. Offer is valid for dine-in only and is not applicable for takeaways. Offer is not valid on eve of and on Public Holidays and special occasions (e.g. Father’s Day). Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.


Free buffet lunch with every three buffet lunches ordered
  • Expired 7 years ago

Offer is valid from 15 February to 30 April 2017, except on eve of and public holidays and special occasions (e.g. eve of and on Valentine's day, Easter Sunday). Payment must be made with an OCBC Credit or Debit Card. Limited to a maximum of three redemptions per bill per table. Free buffet lunch must be of equal or lower value than the buffet purchased (e.g. free child buffet lunch). No splitting of bill or table allowed. Reservation is required. Please call 6733 2272 or reserve online at Not valid in conjunction with other discounts, membership privileges, promotions or vouchers. Merchant's terms and conditions apply. Please contact the merchant directly for full details. OCBC shall not be responsible for the quality, merchantability or fitness for any purpose or any other aspect of any product/service. Notwithstanding anything herein, OCBC shall not at any time be responsible or held liable for any defect or malfunction in any product or the deficiency in any service provided, and/or any loss, injury, damage or harm suffered or incurred by or in connection with the use of any product/service by any person. OCBC's decision on all matters relating to privileges or terms and conditions will be final and binding on all participants. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.