Wine Universe

Wine Universe promotions And Discounts

Highest offer rating 3


9 Raffles Boulevard, #01-109, Singapore , Singapore

Promotions you missed


15% off a la carte food bill
  • Expired 7 years ago

The Offers are not valid on eve of and Public Holidays, including special occasions determined by the Merchant, unless stated otherwise. Please quote "HSBC Dining Privileges" prior to ordering. In case of any dispute, the decision of HSBC and the Merchant shall be final. The Offers are not valid in conjunction with other promotions, privileges and vouchers. Prior reservation is required and subject to availability. HSBC is not the supplier of and accepts no liability for the goods and services provided by the Merchant involved in this Programme. Discount is not applicable on service charge and taxes. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.