Art Science Museum
Art Science Museum voucher

Art Science Museum Promo Codes and Discounts

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15% OFF

15% OFF Adult Local ticket for Single exhibition ticket
  • Expired 3 years ago

All tickets must be purchased and used between 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 or till the end of exhibition run, whichever that ends earlier. All tickets can be used only on the date of issue. All tickets can be used only for the exhibition(s) for which theyare issued. Offer is not applicable to special exhibitions as deemed by ArtScience Museum. Every Member is limited to a maximum of FOUR tickets per transaction and one transaction per day. Offer only available at ArtScience Museum box office. Valid NTUC membership card must be presented at point of purchase. Tickets are subject to availability at the time of purchase. Tickets may not be re-sold or redistributed. Not applicable with other offers and promotions. All other Terms & Conditions of sale and entry apply. MBS reserves the right to deny entry to visitors suspected of breach of Terms & Conditions of sale and entry. MBS reserves the right to make changes and modifications to the Promotion and the terms and conditions applicable to the Promotion without prior notice to the Members. The above offers are nontransferable, not redeemable for cash, and may not be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Confirmation of offer is required during reservation. The package shall only be offered to Members who agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions stated by MBS. MBS’ interpretation of the Terms and Conditions governing the offers shall be absolute and final. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

15% OFF

15% off entry tickets at ArtScience Museum Box Office (up to 4 guests)
  • Expired 4 years ago

Local and Standard ticket categories shall apply based on country of residence of cardholder. All tickets must be purchased and used by 31 January 2021. All tickets can be used only on the date of issue. Each Client is limited to a maximum of four tickets per transaction and one transaction per day. Offer only available at ArtScience Museum Box Office and Marina Bay Sands on-line booking. Offer available only when payment is made with valid Standard Chartered Credit or Debit Card (Singapore-issued only). MBS is not under any obligation to extend the privileges if settlement is made otherwise. This Promotion is not available for parties who have used any other discounts, privileges, vouchers, offers or promotions for purchase of tickets in the same day. Tickets are subject to availability at the time of purchase. Tickets may not be re-sold or re-distributed. MBS reserves the right to refuse entry to any party holding a re-sold or re-distributed ticket. No refund or exchange on unused tickets. MBS’ standard terms and conditions of entry to the ArtScience Museum shall apply. Standard Chartered The Good Life® Programme General Terms and Conditions apply. In the event of any inconsistency between these Merchant’s Terms and Conditions and Standard Chartered The Good Life® Programme General Terms and Conditions, these Merchant’s Terms and Conditions shall prevail only to the extent of such inconsistency. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.


Klook Promo: Tickets at S$ 14.00
  • Expired 4 years ago

Admission to FUTURE WORLD: Where Art Meets Science. Off Peak Prices Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

15% OFF

Enjoy 15% off entry tickets at ArtScience Museum Box Office (up to 4 guests)
  • Expired 4 years ago

Local and Standard ticket categories shall apply based on country of residence of cardholder. All tickets must be purchased and used by 30 September 2020. All tickets can be used only on the date of issue. Each Client is limited to a maximum of four tickets per transaction and one transaction per day. Offer only available at ArtScience Museum Box Office and Marina Bay Sands on-line booking. Offer available only when payment is made with valid Standard Chartered Credit or Debit Card (Singapore-issued only). MBS is not under any obligation to extend the privileges if settlement is made otherwise. This Promotion is not available for parties who have used any other discounts, privileges, vouchers, offers or promotions for purchase of tickets in the same day. Tickets are subject to availability at the time of purchase. Tickets may not be re-sold or re-distributed. MBS reserves the right to refuse entry to any party holding a re-sold or re-distributed ticket. No refund or exchange on unused tickets. MBS’ standard terms and conditions of entry to the ArtScience Museum shall apply. The Good Life® Terms and Conditions also apply. In the event of any inconsistency between these Merchant’s Terms and Conditions and The Good Life® Terms and Conditions, these terms shall prevail only to the extent of such inconsistency. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

15% OFF

Enjoy 15% off entry tickets at ArtScience Museum Box Office (up to 4 guests)
  • Expired 5 years ago

Local and Standard ticket categories shall apply based on country of residence of cardholder. All tickets must be purchased and used by 30 September 2019 All tickets can be used only on the date of issue. Each Cardholder is limited to a maximum of four (4) tickets per transaction and one (1) transaction per day. Offer only available at ArtScience Museum Box Office. Offer available only when payment is made with valid Standard Chartered Credit or Debit Card. MBS is not under any obligation to extend the privileges if settlement is made otherwise. This Promotion is not available for Cardholders who have used any other discounts, privileges, vouchers, offers or promotions for purchase of tickets in the same day. Tickets are subject to availability at the time of purchase. Tickets may not be re-sold or re-distributed. MBS reserves the right to refuse entry to any party holding a resold or redistributed ticket. No refund or exchange on unused tickets. MBS’ standard terms and conditions of entry to the ArtScience Museum shall apply. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.