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Qoo10 coupon codes and promotions 2025

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No Card Required

Qdelivery local courier service from S$4.30
  • Ongoing

  • 117 used

T&Cs apply. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

No Card Required

QCustomer Reward Zone: Collect Q Ticket and win a prize everyday!
  • Verified
  • Ongoing

  • 29 used

Receive Q·ticket for recently delivered order. (within 15 days, min $1.00 order). T&Cs apply. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

No Card Required

Up to 60% off Qoo10 Daily Deals
  • Verified
  • Ongoing

  • 35 used

Limited quantities available. Limited time only. While stocks last. T&Cs apply. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

No Card Required

Up to 70% off Qoo10 Group Buy Deals
  • Verified
  • Ongoing

  • 23 used

T&Cs apply. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

No Card Required

Qoo10 Brand Avenue: Shop official brand products + special store discounts
  • Verified
  • Ongoing

  • 21 used

Limited redemptions. T&Cs apply. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

No Card Required

Shop Qoo10 Bestsellers + time flash sale at up to 50% off
  • Verified
  • Ongoing

  • 22 used

T&Cs apply. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

Promo codes you missed

$20 OFF

Enjoy S$20 off with a minimum spend S$40 with New Mastercard
  • Expired 5 years ago

The promotion is valid until 31 December 2019. The promotion is valid with New Mastercard and only for Qoo10 customers who don't have an active transaction within the last 6 months. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.

$10 OFF

Get S$10 off every Tuesday with UOB cards (Limited to first 500 redemptions for the day)
  • Expired 5 years ago

Valid every Tuesday from 10 am onwards, from 8 Jan to 31 Dec 2019. Limited to the first 500 redemption's of the day. Capped at 1 redemption per customer per week. Coupons are valid till the following Monday 9.59 am. Not valid for UOB UnionPay and JCB Cards. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.


Get $10 coupons when you checkout with Mastercard
  • Expired 6 years ago

Qoo10 offers $10 coupons when you checkout with Mastercard. The promotion is valid for every 2000 redeemers every Wednesday. Get the deal to enjoy the offer. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.


Get S$10 Qoo10 coupon with minimum S$50 spend with UOB cards
  • Expired 6 years ago

Qoo10 offers S$10 coupon with minimum S$50 spend with UOB cards.The promotion is valid 04 April 2018. Get the deal now to enjoy the offer. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.


Get $20 free coupon with Mastercard
  • Expired 7 years ago

Qoo10 offers a $20 free coupon with Mastercard.The promotion is available until 14 February 2018. Get the deal to enjoy the offer. Please always check with the merchant on the validity of the promotion before purchase.


There is this saying that anything you need under the sun, you can get it at Qoo10! Well, with it's huge range of products, various Qoo10 coupon codes, credit card discounts, special Qoo10 Mastercard coupon and flash deals, it is no wonder that Qoo10 is well-loved by Singaporeans. As Asia's leading online marketplace, this is one platform that provides a highly secure and convenient shopping experience as long as you have an internet connection!

From latest fashion trends to cool household appliances, baby products and even delicious cakes for any occasion, Qoo10 provides a massive range of products from across Asia and Singapore, delivered right to your doorstep. You can buy almost everything here without having to leave the house!

Previously known as Gmarket, Qoo10 is often being referred to Singapore’s version of ebay or Amazon. However despite its popularity, some might feel that the site can be confusing to navigate, especially with the various Qoo10 coupons, MameQ, Qpoints, Roulette Q and more. Check out these tips to best ultilise your Qoo10 coupon for the best savings!


Time Sale & Daily Deal

The Qoo10 Time Sale & Daily Deal are special periods during the day or week where prices are largely discounted. Items discounted during time sale and daily deal are not eligible for any stacking of coupons. Only Qpoints and Qmoney can be used upon checkout.

Mame Go Chance

These are items whereby you can bid using the Mamemons that you have captured in your account for a heavy discount. This is largely dependent on luck though some Qoo10 coupons might not be applicable for use with Mame Go chance items.

Group Buys

Qoo10 Group Buys used to be heavily discounted items base on a large quantity of buyers purchasing a single product so there is a chance that the deal could fall through. Good news is that nowadays, most sellers set the baseline of bulk orders to be as low as ‘one’ so you can buy with ease and not be worried that the deal would not be fulfilled. 


Shop Coupons

These are coupons released directly by the respective sellers, and often require a minimum spending amount. Shop coupons are to be used at the very first step of all your coupon stacking. 

*Pro tip: It might be worthwhile buying an item when it is not on time sale or daily deal, simply because it allows you to stack more coupons, which might bring you bigger savings.

Cart Coupons

These are coupons issued by Qoo10 directly for you to draw. There are two ways to draw cart coupons. The first is issued to all members each month, and depending on your membership tier, you could draw up to 4 coupons per month. These coupons typically last for 2 weeks. The second will be via coupon events that the site holds, and are generally a better deal than a membership cart coupon due to a lower spending limit. These coupons typically expire within 3 days.

*Pro tip: Be patient when it comes to event coupons. They generally rotate every 2-3 days, ranging from S$3 off S$25, to S$6 off S$30. One of the largest denomination we have seen so far is S$100 off S$400 spent, which is great for buying big ticket items such as robot vacuum cleaners.


These are special credits that Qoo10 rewards you with, and there are a variety of methods to attain them. They are normally given as an incentive for confirming your purchase delivery, or for writing feedback for the items you bought.

You could also win Qpoints via the daily Roulette Q event, checking in to the event daily, or exchange it with Qstamps or Mamemons. The downside to Qpoints will be that you will need a large amount of Qpoints for it to be worth something. 100 Qpoints is worth S$1, and with a recent update to its policy, you can only use a maximum of 500 Qpoints in each purchase, not exceeding 30% of the cart’s value. Q points will expire within 6 months.


This is Qoo10’s form of currency, in which you could withdraw back to money. There are only a few ways to get Qmoney, mainly transferring credits from your Qoo10 gift card or by topping up money into your own account.


Mastercard Event

From now till 31 December 2018, you can get free S$10 Qoo10 Coupons when you check out with a Mastercard every Wednesday (Limited to the first 2,000. T&Cs here)

Mame Go

Mame Go is Qoo10’s version of Pokemon Go. You can catch fictitious characters known as Mamemon on the site. Once captured, you can exchange these cute characters for Qpoints, or to be used to bid for Mame Go chance items.

The cute icons below the pricing shows the type of Mamemon needed to bid for the Mame Go chance items.

Shop on the Qoo10 app

You can shop on the two different Qoo10 apps: Qoo10 Mobile and Live 10. There are however no discerning differences between them so it’s up to you whichever you fancy. Qoo10 often gives out cart coupons specially for its app users, including an additional $10 cart coupon for its Live 10 app users.

Roulette Q

Playing the daily Roulette Q is by far the best and easiest method to gain all of the above rewards. All you’ve got to do is to check-in daily, with each check-in granting you 1 ticket to spin the roulette wheel for great prizes. On every 6th day of the check-in, you'll get a bonus that comes in the form of additional Qpoints! 

Still unsure of how to maximise your savings while shopping on Qoo10? Read on for a walk-through on how you can stack your Qoo10 coupons and more.

Step 1: Always do your homework beforehand. The item that we chose is currently on Group Deal promotion.

Step 2: Apply the seller’s coupon. This was a 20% discount coupon that could be added to the Group Deal item.

Step 3: Don’t forget to stack your cart coupon if you qualify for the minimum spending. The coupon used here was from the Qoo10’s monthly membership incentive.

Step 4: Remember all the effort you put into spinning the roulette and catching Mamemons? Now is the perfect time to use them to offset your Qpoints.

Step 5: If you’re lucky to have some Qmoney in your account, don’t forget to use them just like normal cash.

Step 6: Complete your purchase. As you can see, there is a more than 50% savings (including shipping) on this purchase! Doesn’t it just make you more excited than ever to shop on Qoo10?

So each time you have something to purchase on Qoo10, don’t forget to come by Cardable for the latest Qoo10 coupon code, credit card discounts and flash deals update!